{"version":3,"file":"table-CHXin1yN.js","sources":["../../../app/javascript/components/AccountSettings/UsernameSelector.vue","../../../node_modules/@apptegy/pagination/dist/pagination.mjs","../../../node_modules/@apptegy/table/dist/table.mjs"],"sourcesContent":["\n \n
{{\n title\n }}\n \n
\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n","import { resolveComponent as v, openBlock as s, createElementBlock as i, createElementVNode as r, toDisplayString as u, createVNode as h, Fragment as g, renderList as d, normalizeClass as _, createCommentVNode as C, pushScopeId as f, popScopeId as y } from \"vue\";\nconst x = (a, t) => {\n const l = a.__vccOpts || a;\n for (const [P, m] of t)\n l[P] = m;\n return l;\n};\nfunction k(a, t) {\n return (l) => a <= l && l <= t;\n}\nconst N = {\n name: \"a-pagination\",\n props: {\n /**\n * Number of elements in list, it's used to calculate the amount of pages generated by the component\n */\n numberOfResults: {\n type: Number,\n default: 100\n },\n /**\n * Used to calculate the amount of pages to display\n */\n perPage: {\n type: Number,\n default: 10\n },\n /**\n * Determines the current selected page. Can be used with v-model.\n */\n modelValue: {\n type: Number,\n default: 1\n }\n },\n computed: {\n _value() {\n return this.modelValue;\n },\n _perPage() {\n return this.perPage;\n },\n _currentPage: {\n get() {\n return k(1, this._lastPage)(this._value) ? this._value : 1;\n },\n set(a) {\n this.$emit(\"input\", Number(a)), this.$emit(\"change\", Number(a)), this.$emit(\"update:modelValue\", Number(a));\n }\n },\n _lastPage() {\n return Math.ceil(this.numberOfResults / this._perPage);\n },\n isCurrentPageStart() {\n return this._lastPage === 1 ? !1 : !(this._currentPage - 2 > 1);\n },\n isCurrentPageMiddle() {\n return this._currentPage - 2 > 1 && this._currentPage + 2 < this._lastPage;\n },\n isCurrentPageEnd() {\n return this._lastPage === 1 ? !1 : !(this._currentPage + 2 < this._lastPage);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n handlePrevious(a) {\n a >= 1 && (this.$emit(\"previous\", a), this.setCurrentPage(a));\n },\n setCurrentPage(a) {\n const t = Number(a);\n this._currentPage = k(1, this._lastPage)(t) ? t : this._currentPage;\n },\n handleNext(a) {\n a <= this._lastPage && (this.$emit(\"next\", a), this.setCurrentPage(a));\n }\n }\n}, c = (a) => (f(\"data-v-e56db2dd\"), a = a(), y(), a), S = { class: \"a-pagination\" }, O = { class: \"a-pagination--results\" }, V = [\"disabled\"], w = { class: \"a-pagination--number-section\" }, E = [\"onClick\"], I = [\"onClick\"], M = /* @__PURE__ */ c(() => /* @__PURE__ */ r(\"span\", { class: \"a-pagination--number\" }, \"...\", -1)), R = /* @__PURE__ */ c(() => /* @__PURE__ */ r(\"span\", { class: \"a-pagination--number\" }, \"...\", -1)), j = /* @__PURE__ */ c(() => /* @__PURE__ */ r(\"span\", { class: \"a-pagination--number\" }, \"...\", -1)), z = /* @__PURE__ */ c(() => /* @__PURE__ */ r(\"span\", { class: \"a-pagination--number\" }, \"...\", -1)), B = [\"onClick\"], D = [\"disabled\"];\nfunction F(a, t, l, P, m, e) {\n const b = v(\"a-icon\");\n return s(), i(\"div\", S, [\n r(\"span\", O, u(a.$t(\"dscl.pagination.results\", { n: a.$intl.formatNumber(l.numberOfResults) })), 1),\n r(\"button\", {\n class: \"a-pagination--arrow\",\n disabled: e._currentPage == 1,\n onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (n) => e.handlePrevious(e._currentPage - 1)),\n \"data-automation-testing\": \"pagination-left-arrow\"\n }, [\n h(b, {\n icon: \"16:carret-up\",\n rotate: \"270deg\"\n })\n ], 8, V),\n r(\"div\", w, [\n e._lastPage <= 7 ? (s(!0), i(g, { key: 0 }, d(e._lastPage, (n) => (s(), i(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n class: _([\"a-pagination--number\", {\n \"a-pagination--number__selected\": e._currentPage == n\n }]),\n key: n,\n onClick: (p) => e.setCurrentPage(n)\n }, u(n), 11, E))), 128)) : (s(), i(g, { key: 1 }, [\n r(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n onClick: t[1] || (t[1] = (n) => e.setCurrentPage(1)),\n class: _([\"a-pagination--number\", { \"a-pagination--number__selected\": e._currentPage == 1 }])\n }, \" 1 \", 2),\n e.isCurrentPageStart ? (s(), i(g, { key: 0 }, [\n (s(), i(g, null, d(4, (n) => r(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n class: _([\"a-pagination--number\", {\n \"a-pagination--number__selected\": e._currentPage == n + 1\n }]),\n key: n,\n onClick: (p) => e.setCurrentPage(n + 1)\n }, u(n + 1), 11, I)), 64)),\n M\n ], 64)) : e.isCurrentPageMiddle ? (s(), i(g, { key: 1 }, [\n R,\n r(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n onClick: t[2] || (t[2] = (n) => e.setCurrentPage(e._currentPage - 1)),\n class: \"a-pagination--number\"\n }, u(e._currentPage - 1), 1),\n r(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n class: _([\"a-pagination--number\", { \"a-pagination--number__selected\": !0 }])\n }, u(e._currentPage), 1),\n r(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n onClick: t[3] || (t[3] = (n) => e.setCurrentPage(e._currentPage + 1)),\n class: \"a-pagination--number\"\n }, u(e._currentPage + 1), 1),\n j\n ], 64)) : e.isCurrentPageEnd ? (s(), i(g, { key: 2 }, [\n z,\n (s(), i(g, null, d(4, (n) => r(\"span\", {\n tabindex: \"0\",\n class: _([\"a-pagination--number\", {\n \"a-pagination--number__selected\": e._currentPage == e._lastPage - 5 + n\n }]),\n key: n,\n onClick: (p) => e.setCurrentPage(e._lastPage - 5 + n)\n }, u(e._lastPage - 5 + n), 11, B)), 64))\n ], 64)) : C(\"\", !0),\n e._lastPage !== 1 ? (s(), i(\"span\", {\n key: 3,\n tabindex: \"0\",\n onClick: t[4] || (t[4] = (n) => e.setCurrentPage(e._lastPage)),\n class: _([\"a-pagination--number\", {\n \"a-pagination--number__selected\": e._currentPage == e._lastPage\n }])\n }, u(e._lastPage), 3)) : C(\"\", !0)\n ], 64))\n ]),\n r(\"button\", {\n class: \"a-pagination--arrow last\",\n disabled: e._currentPage == e._lastPage,\n onClick: t[5] || (t[5] = (n) => e.handleNext(e._currentPage + 1)),\n \"data-automation-testing\": \"pagination-right-arrow\"\n }, [\n h(b, {\n icon: \"16:carret-up\",\n rotate: \"270deg\"\n })\n ], 8, D)\n ]);\n}\nconst L = /* @__PURE__ */ x(N, [[\"render\", F], [\"__scopeId\", \"data-v-e56db2dd\"]]), o = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({\n __proto__: null,\n Pagination: L\n}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: \"Module\" })), q = {\n install(a) {\n Object.keys(o).forEach((t) => a.component(o[t].name, o[t]));\n }\n};\nexport {\n L as Pagination,\n q as plugin\n};\n","import { openBlock as P, createElementBlock as K, normalizeClass as Z, normalizeStyle as Ve, createElementVNode as ee, toDisplayString as we, createCommentVNode as de, renderSlot as te, getCurrentScope as Yl, onScopeDispose as Zl, unref as O, computed as L, ref as M, watch as ue, getCurrentInstance as Me, onMounted as Ke, createBlock as pe, withKeys as It, withModifiers as Ae, createVNode as ae, withDirectives as Qe, Fragment as yt, renderList as On, vShow as Gt, Transition as _r, withCtx as se, createTextVNode as Dt, resolveComponent as ke, normalizeProps as gi, guardReactiveProps as mi, mergeProps as zd, nextTick as it, defineComponent as ce, warn as ts, inject as ve, isRef as Qn, shallowRef as ns, onBeforeUnmount as Ht, onBeforeMount as lo, provide as Ut, toRef as rn, onUnmounted as zr, reactive as ds, onUpdated as Xl, resolveDynamicComponent as ao, cloneVNode as rs, Text as os, Comment as Jl, Teleport as is, readonly as ls, onDeactivated as as, toRaw as vi, useSlots as so, vModelCheckbox as Or, toRefs as Ql, render as yi, resolveDirective as ql, h as he, watchEffect as Cd, createSlots as bi, pushScopeId as ss, popScopeId as us } from \"vue\";\nimport { isString as Tn, isObject as xn, hasOwn as An, NOOP as Tr, isFunction as nr, isArray as Mn } from \"@vue/shared\";\nconst Wr = (e, t) => {\n const n = e.__vccOpts || e;\n for (const [d, r] of t)\n n[d] = r;\n return n;\n}, cs = {\n props: {\n margin: String\n },\n computed: {\n marginStyles() {\n return this.margin ? { margin: this.margin } : {};\n }\n }\n}, fs = {\n props: {\n width: String\n },\n computed: {\n widthStyles() {\n return this.width ? { width: this.width } : {};\n }\n }\n}, ps = \"\", hs = \"\", $s = \"\";\nconst gs = {\n name: \"form-group\",\n mixins: [cs, fs],\n props: {\n label: String,\n labelFor: String,\n required: Boolean,\n inline: Boolean,\n showError: Boolean,\n hideErrorIcon: Boolean,\n showWarning: Boolean,\n errorMessage: String,\n helperMessage: String,\n charCounter: String,\n disabled: Boolean,\n optional: Boolean,\n showEdit: Boolean,\n /**\n * Defines the name of the component for automation testing usage\n */\n name: {\n type: String,\n default: \"dnn\"\n }\n },\n computed: {\n disabledCSSClass() {\n return this.disabled ? \"form-group__helpers--disabled\" : \"\";\n },\n inlineCSSClass() {\n return this.inline ? \"form-group--inline\" : \"\";\n },\n charCounterCSSClass() {\n return this.charCounter ? \"form-group__helpers--show-char-counter\" : \"\";\n },\n errorCSSClass() {\n return this.showError ? \"form-group__element--has-error\" : \"\";\n },\n warningCSSClass() {\n return this.showWarning ? \"form-group__element--has-warning\" : \"\";\n },\n editCSSClass() {\n return this.showEdit ? \"form-group__element--has-edit\" : \"\";\n }\n },\n methods: {\n handleOnWarningClick() {\n this.$emit(\"on-warning-click\");\n },\n handleOnEditClick() {\n this.$emit(\"on-edit-click\");\n }\n }\n}, ms = {\n key: 0,\n class: \"form-group__label-container\"\n}, vs = [\"for\", \"data-automation-testing\"], ys = {\n key: 0,\n class: \"form-group__optional\"\n}, bs = [\"data-automation-testing\"], ws = [\"data-automation-testing\"], Ss = [\"data-automation-testing\"], Cs = [\"data-automation-testing\"], Es = [\"data-automation-testing\"], _s = [\"data-automation-testing\"];\nfunction Os(e, t, n, d, r, o) {\n return P(), K(\"div\", {\n class: Z([\"form-group\", o.inlineCSSClass]),\n style: Ve(e.marginStyles)\n }, [\n ee(\"div\", {\n class: Z([\"form-group__helpers\", o.charCounterCSSClass, o.disabledCSSClass])\n }, [\n n.label ? (P(), K(\"div\", ms, [\n ee(\"label\", {\n for: n.labelFor,\n \"data-automation-testing\": `lblFG${n.name}`,\n class: Z([\"form-group__label\", { \"form-group__label-required\": n.required }])\n }, we(n.label), 11, vs),\n n.optional ? (P(), K(\"span\", ys, \"Optional\")) : de(\"\", !0)\n ])) : de(\"\", !0),\n n.helperMessage ? (P(), K(\"div\", {\n key: 1,\n class: \"form-group__helper-message\",\n \"data-automation-testing\": `lblFGHelper${n.name}`\n }, we(n.helperMessage), 9, bs)) : de(\"\", !0),\n n.charCounter ? (P(), K(\"div\", {\n key: 2,\n class: \"form-group__character-counter\",\n \"data-automation-testing\": `lblFGCounter${n.name}`\n }, we(n.charCounter), 9, ws)) : de(\"\", !0)\n ], 2),\n ee(\"div\", {\n class: \"form-group__feedback-wrapper\",\n style: Ve(e.widthStyles)\n }, [\n ee(\"div\", {\n class: Z([\"form-group__element\", o.errorCSSClass, o.warningCSSClass, o.editCSSClass])\n }, [\n te(e.$slots, \"default\", {}, void 0, !0),\n n.showError && !n.hideErrorIcon ? (P(), K(\"img\", {\n key: 0,\n class: \"form-group__element-icon-error\",\n src: ps,\n \"data-automation-testing\": `iconFGError${n.name}`\n }, null, 8, Ss)) : n.showWarning ? (P(), K(\"img\", {\n key: 1,\n class: \"form-group__element-icon-warning\",\n src: hs,\n \"data-automation-testing\": `iconFGWarning${n.name}`,\n onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (...i) => o.handleOnWarningClick && o.handleOnWarningClick(...i))\n }, null, 8, Cs)) : n.showEdit ? (P(), K(\"img\", {\n key: 2,\n class: \"form-group__element-icon-edit\",\n src: $s,\n \"data-automation-testing\": `iconFGEdit${n.name}`,\n onClick: t[1] || (t[1] = (...i) => o.handleOnEditClick && o.handleOnEditClick(...i))\n }, null, 8, Es)) : de(\"\", !0)\n ], 2),\n n.showError ? (P(), K(\"div\", {\n key: 0,\n class: \"form-group__error-message\",\n \"data-automation-testing\": `lblFGError${n.name}`\n }, we(n.errorMessage), 9, _s)) : de(\"\", !0)\n ], 4)\n ], 6);\n}\nconst Ts = /* @__PURE__ */ Wr(gs, [[\"render\", Os], [\"__scopeId\", \"data-v-dbd8ca0f\"]]), xs = {\n inheritAttrs: !1,\n emits: [\"on-warning-click\", \"on-edit-click\"],\n components: {\n FormGroup: Ts\n },\n props: {\n label: String,\n errorMessage: String,\n helperMessage: String,\n showCharCounter: Boolean,\n showError: Boolean,\n showWarning: Boolean,\n showEdit: Boolean,\n margin: String\n },\n methods: {\n onWarningClick() {\n this.$emit(\"on-warning-click\");\n },\n onEditClick() {\n this.$emit(\"on-edit-click\");\n }\n }\n};\nfunction As(e) {\n return Yl() ? (Zl(e), !0) : !1;\n}\nfunction e0(e) {\n return typeof e == \"function\" ? e() : O(e);\n}\nconst Ms = typeof window < \"u\" && typeof document < \"u\", Ns = (e) => e != null, a1 = () => {\n};\nfunction s1(e) {\n var t;\n const n = e0(e);\n return (t = n == null ? void 0 : n.$el) != null ? t : n;\n}\nconst Is = Ms ? window : void 0;\nfunction Ds() {\n const e = M(!1);\n return Me() && Ke(() => {\n e.value = !0;\n }), e;\n}\nfunction Ls(e) {\n const t = Ds();\n return L(() => (t.value, !!e()));\n}\nfunction Ps(e, t, n = {}) {\n const {\n root: d,\n rootMargin: r = \"0px\",\n threshold: o = 0.1,\n window: i = Is,\n immediate: l = !0\n } = n, a = Ls(() => i && \"IntersectionObserver\" in i), u = L(() => {\n const h = e0(e);\n return (Array.isArray(h) ? h : [h]).map(s1).filter(Ns);\n });\n let c = a1;\n const p = M(l), m = a.value ? ue(\n () => [u.value, s1(d), p.value],\n ([h, g]) => {\n if (c(), !p.value || !h.length)\n return;\n const b = new IntersectionObserver(\n t,\n {\n root: s1(g),\n rootMargin: r,\n threshold: o\n }\n );\n h.forEach((v) => v && b.observe(v)), c = () => {\n b.disconnect(), c = a1;\n };\n },\n { immediate: l, flush: \"post\" }\n ) : a1, w = () => {\n c(), m(), p.value = !1;\n };\n return As(w), {\n isSupported: a,\n isActive: p,\n pause() {\n c(), p.value = !1;\n },\n resume() {\n p.value = !0;\n },\n stop: w\n };\n}\nfunction u1(e) {\n return e === 0 ? !1 : Array.isArray(e) && e.length === 0 ? !0 : !e;\n}\nfunction Rs(e) {\n return (...t) => !e(...t);\n}\nfunction Fs(e, t) {\n return e === void 0 && (e = \"undefined\"), e === null && (e = \"null\"), e === !1 && (e = \"false\"), e.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(t.trim()) !== -1;\n}\nfunction t0(e, t, n, d) {\n return t ? e.filter((r) => Fs(d(r, n), t)).sort((r, o) => d(r, n).length - d(o, n).length) : e;\n}\nfunction Bs(e) {\n return e.filter((t) => !t.$isLabel);\n}\nfunction c1(e, t) {\n return (n) => n.reduce((d, r) => r[e] && r[e].length ? (d.push({\n $groupLabel: r[t],\n $isLabel: !0\n }), d.concat(r[e])) : d, []);\n}\nfunction ks(e, t, n, d, r) {\n return (o) => o.map((i) => {\n if (!i[n])\n return console.warn(\"Options passed to vue-multiselect do not contain groups, despite the config.\"), [];\n const l = t0(i[n], e, t, r);\n return l.length ? {\n [d]: i[d],\n [n]: l\n } : [];\n });\n}\nconst wi = (...e) => (t) => e.reduce((n, d) => d(n), t);\nvar Hs = {\n data() {\n return {\n search: \"\",\n isOpen: !1,\n preferredOpenDirection: \"below\",\n optimizedHeight: this.maxHeight\n };\n },\n props: {\n /**\n * Decide whether to filter the results based on search query.\n * Useful for async filtering, where we search through more complex data.\n * @type {Boolean}\n */\n internalSearch: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: !0\n },\n /**\n * Array of available options: Objects, Strings or Integers.\n * If array of objects, visible label will default to option.label.\n * If `labal` prop is passed, label will equal option['label']\n * @type {Array}\n */\n options: {\n type: Array,\n required: !0\n },\n /**\n * Equivalent to the `multiple` attribute on a `